Angelenos 4 Green Schools started as an advocacy group created by LAUSD parents to advocate for healthier, shadier, and more enriching school yards. It now serves as a resource hub for greening in Los Angeles.

As the climate crisis continues to escalate, and temperatures rise across Los Angeles, children are regularly required to eat, play and exercise indoors. The existing solutions—such as shade sails and Cool Asphalt—are not adequate or sufficient. 100% of LAUSD schoolyards are paved, and 20% don't even have a single tree!

LAUSD to implement the best nature-based practices to make campuses cooler and more drought resilient. LAUSD needs to streamline greening renovations to shorten construction timelines and prioritize schools that need it the most. To take the best advantage of these new campuses, teachers need professional development to learn how to integrate their curriculum with the outdoor classroom.

LAUSD is the largest landowner in Los Angeles with the most evenly distributed land throughout the city. We believe it is possible for schoolyards to be the epicenter of transformational change.