Information on injuries, heat, pollution, and higher costs related to synthetic turf


 Many studies suggest that synthetic turf causes a higher rate of injuries than natural grass:

o   Lower Extremity Injury Rates on Artificial Turf Versus Natural Grass Playing Surfaces: A Systematic Review
o   Higher Rates of Lower Extremity Injury on Synthetic Turf Compared with Natural Turf Among National Football League Athletes
o   Injuries Related to Artificial Turf – National Center for Health Research
o   What You Need to Know About Synthetic Turf and Natural Grass for Athletic Fields (p.5)

National Football Players Association asks that all fields be converted to natural grass:

o   The NFL Players Association wants the league to switch all fields to natural grass
o   Only Natural Grass Can Level the NFL’s Playing Field
o   Why the NFL’s Approach to Field Surfaces is Uneven
o   NFL Players Union Renews Call for Grass Fields after Aaron Rodgers’ Injury


Artificial turf is consistently hotter than natural grass. On hot days, temperatures can range from 120° to 180° whereas natural grass will measure 50-70° cooler, rarely exceeding 100°. (Natural grass releases water vapor which keeps it cool.) This puts athletes at higher risk of heat-related illness or injury such as dehydration, heatstroke, and thermal burns. The main factors contributing to the Urban Heat Island Effect (city warming) are tight urban geometry, human-created heat (vehicles, air conditioning units, buildings, etc.), and heat-retaining urban materials such as synthetic turf which absorbs and stores heat, creating hot spots.

o   Synthetic Turf in Public Spaces: Systematic Assessment of Surface Temperatures and Associated Environmental Impacts
o   Heat Risks Associated with Synthetic Athletic Fields
o   Synthetic Sports Fields and the Heat Island Effect – National Recreation and Park Association
o   HeatReady Schools: A Novel Approach to Enhance Adaptive Capacity to Heat Through School Community Experiences, Risks, and Perceptions


In 2017, the Synthetic Turf Council projected that by the end of the decade, at least 750 fields will be replaced annually. Artificial turf fields have limited lifespans and require regular replacement at least every 8-10 years. The average field contains approximately 40,000 pounds of plastic carpet and 400,000 pounds of infill, according to the report. This means that as much as 330 million pounds of waste could be disposed of every year. Despite claims that turf fields can be recycled, there is no recycling facility in the United States.

o   Testimony Regarding Recycling of Artificial Turf
o   The Dangerous Pileup of Artificial Turf


In analyzing the costs of artificial vs. natural grass systems, it is important to consider full life-cycle costs, including installation, maintenance, and disposal/replacement. In general, however, artificial turf fields have a higher life-cycle cost than natural grass fields. 

o   Cost Analysis – UMass Lowell Toxics Use Reduction Institute
o   What You Need to Know About Synthetic Turf and Natural Grass for Athletic Fields (p.7,9,11)


·Synthetic grass usually contains PFAS chemicals. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, PFAS chemicals are a known carcinogen that can interfere with hormones, reproduction, and immunity, and cause developmental delays in children.

o   Once it was hailed as a drought fix-but now California’s moving to restrict synthetic turf over health concerns