A green schoolyard starts with depaving.


Why Depave Schools?

Asphalt covers much of LAUSD’s 6,400 acres of property across Los Angeles, primarily because it is seen as low maintenance. However, asphalt creates several significant problems. For one, it contributes to the urban heat island effect, often raising air temperatures by up to 10 degrees, making the environment even hotter for students and staff.

Additionally, asphalt is an impermeable surface, meaning rainwater can’t absorb into the ground. Instead, it runs off the pavement, carrying pollutants directly into storm drains, worsening water quality. Beyond these environmental concerns, asphalt creates harsh, prison-like surroundings that can increase stress and exacerbate behavioral issues among students.

not a green schoolyard

“After the pandemic, students, teachers, and stakeholders need healing and engagement. Time in nature is proven to be emotionally and mentally healing, replacing screens with engaging experiences. ”